The Soothing Song of the Loons

Blog #6 in the Soothing Series: Gentle ways to regain your composure and find some inner peace The haunting, sweet song of loons calling across a lake needs no back up singers, no musical accompaniment. It is in perfect harmony with the world, and never fails to sooth my soul. I miss them. Loons live …

My Tiny Farm: Clean Eating and Contemplating Nature

I do love to eat, and I do love nature. What could be better than combining the two? This year I’m delighted to have space and time to have a garden.  A bit of stress comes from my lack of experience growing vegetables, but I’m getting lots of advice from family and friends. Staying calm …

Six Ways to Get Centered, When Chaos Surrounds You

When spinning out of control, instinct guides you to grab onto whatever you can use to control the situation.  Why doesn’t this work? Well, controlling medical emergencies, workplace distress, current events, family drama, weather disasters, traffic jams, and the behavior of friends and colleagues just isn’t possible. There is so little you can actually control. …

Labyrinths of Love

“Be careful – watch for the others walking the labyrinth!” cautioned the mom of two preschoolers scampering across the labyrinth paths. It was a very large classic 7 circuit labyrinth  and the boys had been careful thus far. Truly I was enjoying their energy as they collected and arranged the fallen flowers found on the …